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頂尖狙擊手 第二季

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分类:歐美綜藝 美國 2009




《頂尖狙擊手 第二季》是由知名导演未知执导的一部歐美綜藝,未知等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  For the past eight yea rs, the U.S. Army 's  Sniper School at Fort Benning, Ga ., has hosted the International Snipe r Competition; where elite two-man teams co mpete t o earn the coveted ti tle of "top sniper." In this gruelin  g competi tion, the pa rticipa nts9; precisio n, camouflage, stalking and o bservatio nal skills  are put to the ultimate t est.  Eighteen  challenging  events examine the teams&  #39; exper tise in long-ran ge shooting, urban co mbat and  covert maneuvering thro ugh realistic conflicts and environ ments. Bringing together the most elit e sniper s from around the wor ld, the competiti on show cases thi rty-three te ams from b ranches of the U.S. Army, Marine s, and Air Force,  and fo r the first time  ever includes a law  enforcement team  -a SWAT  team fr om Pittsbu rgh, Pa. The  internati onal fiel d includes repres entatives from Canada, Denmark, Fr ance and  Irelan d. Si nce some military te ams a re comprised of active special forces, the iden tities of many of the competitors have been conc ealed in order to e nsure the safety of the  personnel.  从师父那里,听过很多故事的卫九锡看了眼正在上香的人,就接着八卦道:“我师父说,八臂神猿的地宫下,压的是万生魔神,那位魔神能够分神万千,但有任何一个分神在外,他都不可能死。所以,镇他之人,必须是个意志坚 定,认了死理 后,绝不会被外物影响的八臂神猿。”

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