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10.0 力荐

分类:紀錄片 大陸 2016

主演:蔣佳伊 範梓沐 



《加一》是由知名导演蔣能傑 执导的一部紀錄片,蔣佳伊 範梓沐 等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  本片 榮獲第四 屆深圳青年影像節紀錄片 類 最佳創意獎 ,香港中文大學、 第二屆中國民族博物館 永久收藏獎  。  有意 想觀看的,可聯系版權方微信:17143716 00  《加一》顛 覆大衆對留守兒童的固定思維,以獨特的視角呈現最真實的留守兒童生活。   加一是 一名留守 兒童,父母常年在外打工,每次短暫的相聚都會 牽動加一幼小 的心靈:長途 跋涉和爺爺去看望在外打工的父母,離別時躺在爸爸腿上靜  靜落淚;春節過 後媽媽提前出去 打工,沒有說再見是因爲 偷偷躲在被 窩裏 泣不成聲。然而父母離開後生活依然要繼續, 忍受過難嘗的別離滋味後,依然要忘掉煩惱,快樂地和同學玩耍,淘氣地逗哭弟弟後又像大人一樣哄著他。 每天和弟弟 徘徊在哭與笑之  間,就這樣在痛與樂 中成長著。  留守兒童並不是“苦逼”的代名詞,他們有  他們的快樂,有他們的 純真,他  們也確實要忍受不一 樣的孤獨和 無奈。大時代下的小人物 ,他們的生存狀態是這個 時代的特殊印迹。  The docum entary, “JI  AYI”, adopts a partic ular posit ion from where  it objectively a nd non-discriminatingly un  covers  a real world of thes e left-behind ki ds in rural area in China,  which overthrows th e soci al stereotyping t  owards this special group existing in the re mote and u  nderdeveloped reg ions.  JiaYi, one of these unattended children, cherished e very sin gle reunion with her pa rent s who work as migra  nt labors:  she woul d travel thousan ds of miles  with her grandfat her t o visit them; lying on  her father’ s leg  and crying  silent ly is her w   ay of  resisting saying goodbye; Tea rs flooded her ey es so violently t hat she didn't says any words when her moth er had to leave earlier than pl anned to sta  rt working during the s pring festi val. However, life goe s on no matter they are ready or not. Sh  e struggles to survive in the suffering of separation while at the mea n time  , sh  e mus t learn  to forget this pain fulne ss and pretend to live like  a normal kid who enjoys her t ime in  school with  peers.  She, like a mature adult, can  make her younger brothe r cry and then burst in to laughs. Their life is filled w ith tears  and laughter as they grow up happily and toughly .  “Sadness” i s not supp osed to be t he fir st im age of these unattended  children. Even though the y have to withstand the  lonelines s and desperation that are not no  rmally experienced by their peers, they still have  their share of happine ss a  nd innocence. They contribute to ma ybe a mi nor section o f this era  but their very existence still lea ves m  arks on t his thriving gener  ation filled with vari ations.  这一次,她直  接从袖中暗袋里 摸出一个大型储物袋,“知道我要来见  您,不仅爷爷 让我给您  带了好些黄金谷做成的米饭和各类点心,就是我师父师叔他 们,都逼着宗里的大师父,给您弄了好些好吃的 ,我师姐采薇还把她弄的极  品花茶给我了。



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