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The King's War On Witches

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分类:歐美綜藝 英國 2012

主演:Russell Boulter 



《The King's War On Witches》是由知名导演未知执导的一部歐美綜藝,Russell Boulter 等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  In  the late 16 th century Euro pe was in the gri p of a  ferociou  s witch hunt, wher e thou sands were tortured and bu rnt at the s take. The   churc  h was ful ly behind  this te rrifying crusade a gainst the im aginary enemies o f Ch  ristianity. In France an d Germa ny alone up to 40, 000 people may ha ve been kil led as witches. But England and Scotl and were al most  untouched by witch p ersecutions until  King J ames himself decided to launch his own, personal war on wi tchcraf t.  In 1597  King James VI of Scotland published 9;Daem onolo gy9;,  a handbook on how to reco gnise  and  destro y, wi tches. The book explor ed the threa  t that 'those Detestable slaves of the De vil', posed to James  himself. It fuelled waves of witch huntin g th  roughout B ritain.  The legacy o f Jame s'  9;Da emonology' continue d thr  oughout  the 17th century, and led to the torture an d execution of hundreds of women in a series of  infamous witc h tria ls. No- one know s exact ly how many men and women died in thes e trial s, such as the Pendl e tria l of 161  2, or  how  many other  s were ki  lled  in cas es th at neve r cam  e to court. The  documentary reveals the purges in many areas of  Britain drew d irectly on King James' book. Al  so for the first tim e, remarkable new archaeologica l evidence from Cornwall, s uggests that  witc hcraft was actively practic ed for c enturies, e ven during the most intense periods of witch-hunting. Experimental archaeolog ist Jacqui Wo  od has e xcavated str ange pit s lined with swan's feathe rs, and filled with animal skins and human  remains. S he believes the pits were ritual of ferings inspired  by witchcra ft beliefs.  好半晌,他才放下 玉简抬头看 向陆灵蹊,“有这事。 ”他站起来,走向另一边的 玉架,从上面 拿了一枚蓝玉制成的玉佩,“当 初主人觉得,佐蒙人不会放过 天渊七界飞升 的一切生灵,但是人族寿元就那么多,人心复杂,他没 办法因势力导, 但是妖族却可以。” 



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