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2.0 很差

分类:恐怖片 西班牙 1983

主演:Paul Naschy Julia Saly Lo 

导演:Jacinto Molina 


《極度恐慌1983》是由知名导演Jacinto Molina 执导的一部恐怖片,Paul Naschy Julia Saly Lo 等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  PANIC BEATS be gins w ith a t otally nude woman with welts on her body, running through a misty forest full of dec  ayed  skeletons. A kn ight on ho  rseback  is chasing her, and we soon le arn th at he is Alaric de Marnac (a wick  ed cha  racter Naschy first created fo  r HORRO R RISES FROM THE TOM B), viciou sly killing her for he r unfaithful way s. A fter the  credits role, w  e ar e ta ken to the  present where  a descendent of Marnac named Paul (Naschy) is  married to the wealthy Gen  eviève (J  ulia Saly) w as has some  serious heart problems. Paul  decides to take her  to hi s ancestral home  in the c  ountry  for some peace and quiet, but the superstitious-filled setting opens a Pan dora’s Box of terrible occur rences.  We s oon d iscover tha t Paul is a real son-of-a -bitch who plans to scare his wi fe to d  eath, p lanning to control her fortune  and contin ue his secret affa  ir with seductiv e bad girl Mireill e (Silvia M iró), who ha ppens to  be the niece of the ta rot card-reading housekeeper, Mabi le (Lola Ga  os). Paul’s malevolent scheme works, but  he stil l has to worry about an additi onal money-hung ry mistres s (this  guy really  gets around!), the unforgiving Mabile, as  well a s new fian ceé Mireille who  might be hi ding a thing or  two herself.  More grisly murders foll ow, and t he gh ost o f Marnac returns from hell to puni sh t he most des picable human   charact er i n the film.  PANIC B EATS was also written  by  Naschy (under his real  name Ja cinto Molina) who injects the fil m with an old-fashioned spooky  house motif, beef ed up with a modern movie  sense of violence and se xuality.   The film o ffers not hing too inn ovative storywise, and even Nas chy admits  on the disc’s extras  that it was pa  rtly i nspired by GASLIGHT and REBECCA,  but he seems to just toss in a hodgepodge o f exploitat  ion and horror ingredients,  while delive ring a stylish a nd enjoyable  effort with a number  of twists and some genui  nely chill  ing momen ts. The camera shots an d lighting are both effective, and there& #39;s even does  a cool set -up (much like  what Fred die Francis  did in THE SKUL L and THE CREEPIN G FLESH) where  we see the p oint of v iew of Marnac th rough his d ark h  elmet as h e stalks his f emale  prey.  Graphically , we are exposed to ev erything from a pl  ate of bloody eyeballs, to  victims be  ing beaten relentlessly with the various Medieval weapons affi xed on the house ’s w alls (for exam ple, s omeone  is ax ed in the st omac h, followed by the soaked en trails oozing  out!). Naschy’s most  frequent 1980s leading lady , Julia S aly, is not given much to do, but with her off beat looks, is a nice pres ence none thele ss. The prom inent femal e star   here is Sil via Miró wh o is seen i n the buff frequently, and she certai  nly makes for some we ll-appreciat ed Euro starlet eye candy. Naschy  himse lf is very  good  in the f  ilm, pu tting on conniv  ing fa cades, c arrying a number of women  on a st ring, being a real m  alicious b astar d, and for  the umpteenth time in his career, playing two r oles i n a one film .  http://ww w.dvddrive -in.com/reviews/n-s/panicb eats8283.htm  陆灵蹊 眨了眨眼,很干脆地把当初在奇怪岛石殿抢 来的黑漆漆大  鼎放到院中,“老祖,您看它到仙级了 吗?我筑基中期就得到它了,一直想打开它,可是,结丹的时候打不开,元婴以后还是  打不开。到了化神,我 一直忙,就把它 忘了,您帮我瞅瞅,若是能用您就用。”

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