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10.0 力荐

分类:紀錄片 大陸 2016

主演:蔣佳伊 範梓沐 



《加一》是由知名导演蔣能傑 执导的一部紀錄片,蔣佳伊 範梓沐 等倾情出演,该片讲述了:  本片 榮 獲第四屆深圳青年影像  節紀錄片類 最佳創意獎 ,香港中文大  學、 第二屆中國民族博物館 永久收藏獎 。   有意想觀看的,可聯系版 權方微信:1714371600< br/>  《加一》顛覆大衆對留守兒童 的固定思維,以獨特的視 角呈現最真 實的留守兒童生活。  加一是一名留守兒童,父母常年在外打工,每次短   暫的相聚都會牽動加一幼小 的心靈:長途   跋涉和爺爺去看望在外打工的父 母,離別時 躺在爸爸腿上靜靜落淚;春節過後 媽媽提前出去打工,沒 有說再見是因爲偷偷 躲在被 窩裏泣不 成聲。然而 父母離開後生活依然要繼續,忍 受過難嘗的別離滋 味後,依然要忘掉煩惱,快樂地和同學玩耍,淘氣地逗哭弟弟後又像大 人一樣哄著他。每天 和弟弟徘徊在哭 與笑之間,就這樣在痛 與樂中成長 著。  留守兒童並不是“苦逼”的代名詞,他們有他們的快樂,有他們的 純真,他  們也確實要忍受不一樣的 孤獨和無奈。大時代下 的小人物,他們的生存狀態是這個時代的特殊印迹。  T he documen tary, “JIAYI”,  adopts a particul ar position  from where it objectively a nd non-dis crim  inatingly un covers a re al world of these  left-beh ind kids in rural area in China, which overthrows t he social ste reotyping  towards this spec ial group existing i n the remote and underdeveloped regions.  JiaYi, one of  these unattended chil dren, cheris hed every single reunion  with her parents who work a s migr ant labo rs: she would travel thousands  of miles with her grandfather to visit them; lying on her father’s leg  and  crying  silently is her way o f resisting sa ying goodbye; Tears flooded her eyes so violentl y that she di  dn';t says any words  when her mother had to leave  earlier than planned to start working during the spring f estival. However, lif  e goes on no matt  er they are read y or not. She strugg  les to survive  in  the suffering of separation while at the mean  time, s he must  learn to f orget this  painfuln ess and p retend   to liv   e like a normal kid who enjoys her time in school with peers.  She, lik e a mature  adult, can make her yo  unger brother cr  y and then burst into  laughs . Their l  ife is filled with  tears an  d laughter as  they grow u p happily and toughly.  “Sadness” is not supposed t  o be the first image o f these unat tended  children. Even tho ugh they have to w ithstand the loneliness and  desperation that are not normally experienced by their peers,  they still hav e their shar e of happiness and innocence. They c ontr ibute to maybe   a minor sec tion of this era but  their very existence still leaves marks on t  his thriving generation filled with  variatio ns.  安画有 些意兴阑珊地摘下一个储物戒指,“驻地里的传送宝盒被洪叔带走了,这件  事,我已经给你们在 天音嘱秘密留 言了,所以,他那边失却的东西,我管不了,这里的……是我们收集的各方资料,你好好看, 也许对你有 用。”



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